Good Bye, 382 Shin Dang Dong
About the Author Read the Book Listen Aloud Watch YouTube Video WorkSheets Vocabulary Reading Comprehension Skill & Strategy Activity, Phonics Parent/Teacher Activity Guides Additional Reading About the Author Vocabulary Native: A person born in a specific place Homeland: The place you were born, a person’s native land Aspect: A particular part or feature of something Advantage: Having a favorable or superior position Sponsor: A person or organization that provides money for an activity Habit: Something that a person regularly does, and it is something that is hard to stop doing Impolite: Having no manners, being rude Conscious: Knowing what is going on around you Insult: To speak or treat someone else with disrespect or abuse Airport: A place where airplanes are able to land and take off Cellar: An underground room or rooms, usually under a building Curious: Eager to find out or learn about new things De...