
Showing posts from September, 2022

Y04 Week 07 Once Upon a Cool Motorcycle Dude

  Once Upon a Cool Motorcycle Dude pdf Focus Wall Lesson 6 REVIEW vOCABULARY LIST     Vocabulary Lesson 6   Practice Vocabulary Definitions on Quizlet Practice Vocabulary Synonyms on Quizlet Practice Vocabulary Antonyms on Quizlet Spelling Lesson 6   Read the story Listen to the story Listen to the Story Worksheets Home Letter Lesson 6 Leveled Books: Lesson 6 Circle:Ike in the Spotlight Lesson 6 Triangle:A Pen and a Painting Lesson 6 Square:The Lark Sings in Many Colors Vocabulary Reader: Lesson 6:Storytelling Through the Years Worksheets Lesson 6 Practice your Vocabulary!

Y04 Week 07 Invasion From Mars

Unit 2 Week 007 Lesson 6 Invasion From Mars   Skills:  Story structure, infer/predict, drama, formal and informal language, historical text Grammar:  action and linking verbs Writing: Informative writing, News Reports  Comprehension Skills and Strategies: Story Structure, Elements of Drama, Formal and Informal Language  Genre: Play  Vocabulary Strategies: Suffixes-y, -ous  Focus Trait: Ideas Spelling Skill:  Vowel Sounds Short u, /yoo/, /oo/   Study Guide   Target Strategy: ​Infer/Predict** When you infer, you try to figure out something that is not directly stated in the text.  THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MAKING INFERENCES & PREDICTIONS Inferring is kind of like the big umbrella and predicting fits neatly under it. But what’s the difference between them? While it is subtle, I like to start with predicting because it’s a little more concrete. Predicting is when you use your schema + clues the author gives you to make an “educated” guess. A prediction can usually be confirmed or denied

Y04 Week 07 Coyote School News

  u2w1 Coyote School News Complete pages 1, 2 & 7 Complete the Activities at Ms Andmeier's L ESSON oVERVIEW VOCABULARY <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> bawling - crying out in a noisy way coyote - a small, wolf-like mammal living in many                parts of North America dudes - people raised in the city, especially Easterners               who vacation on a ranch roundup - the act of driving or bringing cattle together                    from long distances  spurs - metal points or pointed wheels, worn on a              rider's boot heels for urging a horse on LISTEN TO THE STORY   Ques