Book Lesson The Snowy Day The Ezra Jack Keats Foundation

Games & Activities | The Ezra Jack Keats Foundation

The Snowy Day

Inspired by The Snowy Day
Steer Peter through a
downhill obstacle course
Lesson Plans, activities and read alouds
Discussion Questions
  • What is happening in this story? Have you ever played in snow?
  • What do you think happened to the snowball in his pocket?
  • What kind of area do you think Peter lives in? What clues does the book give you.
  • Look at the different scenes in the story and make some guesses about how you think Peter might be feeling.
  • Notice the way Keats' uses color to show different moods in the story.


  • Following up on the discussion above about Keats using color to show changes in mood find other paintings or prints that show warmth, coolness, happiness and sadness through use of color.
  • This is a good book for practicing sequencing activities. Have students help you create cards telling what Peter did in words and a simple picture. Sort through the cards afterwards and try to recreate the sequence in the book. Use the arranged cards to retell the story together.
  • Walk in snow or sand. Watch your footprints. Measure them when you first make them and then an hour later.
  • Find as many ways to make snowflakes as possible: cut paper, stamps, potato prints, etc.
  • Find animal tracks in the snow. Decide whether or not Peter would be apt to see the same kind of tracks.
  • Make a snowball and keep it in the freezer. Take it out every so often and decide how it has changed.
  • Try making cut or torn paper collages of your own.



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